Tuesday 30 May 2017

Designing Your Kid’s Room

When it comes to designing your kid’s room you can actually let your imagination run riot. It is like an opportunity to get back in touch with the kid inside you. Now, before our own imagination runs amok; let us have a look at a few useful tips for creating the interior design of your kid’s room.

First thing to do is pick a theme around which you will build the room. Sit with your son or daughter and discuss it with them. In many ways it is the theme that will guide the floor plan and walls as well as accessories. If you can have a clear picture in your mind it will be all the easier to design the very shape and feel of the room around it. 


Next on your designing palate should be the color scheme. You will need to involve the kid in choosing it, just as you did with the theme. Remember the colors will differ for boys and girls. If you wish to keep it somehow neutral then you could choose color schemes like white with fresh aqua shades and if possible yellow colored add on and accessories. You could also go with white and sunny orange with a touch of aqua or creamy blue. 

Toys and Accessories

Let the Kids rule one great way of keeping your children’s creative juices flowing is to have an entire wall for them to paint and draw on. This way you won’t have to scrub the crayons from the walls all over the house and your kid can invite his or her friends over to paint the room. Incorporate Nature motifs & try to bring the outdoors within the room.


When it comes to kids one has to be very careful with regards to the safety and security of their environs. Make sure that the shelves and cupboards are solid and safety proof. Remember not to put delicate glass or easily breakable stuff in a kid’s room.


Choose furniture that is built to last and can serve multiple functions. For example invest in a crib that can convert into a bed or a desk cum bed later on. Mostly the space for a kid’s room is small and is meant for them to both play and sleep in. whatever furniture you choose should be able to stand both use and misuse. 


You can use the walls to create a spot of group photos or a collection of fun photos of your kid. You can also use the walls to hang their art and craft or even simple doodles. This will encourage them to keep expressing themselves artistically and build up a creative bent of mind.

In the end remember that little one is going to grow at a pretty fast rate and would soon be asking for a change. You will have to be smart when designing the room and will have to remember that you will need to redo it or replace the furniture and accessories sooner or later. 

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